What a great week
Some weeks go better than others. We’ve just had a great one.
The launch of our ‘effectiveness’ programme of courses has gone as well as we expected. It is good to see people booking on to these short courses. The Effective Project Delivery course looks particularly popular.
This week also saw us winning a contract with a new client – more of that when the contract has been signed. However, that wasn’t the only good news. We presented the Strategic Review of Disability Wales to their board on Wednesday. That was a really interesting piece of work and a genuinely impressive organisation. They’ve certainly won a couple of converts from this organisation to the ‘social model of disability.’ So, it was with immense pleasure that we accepted an invitation to work with them again on another project.
All in all, a great week. If next week is like this, the excitement from 20 Degrees will be heard for miles around!