Finding Time
It is always a challenge trying to find time to write. We’re all so busy all the time. That certainly applies to us.
We are in the intensive, final stage of analysing and writing up an evaluation of the Meic service. This is the Welsh Government commissioned advocacy and advice service for children and young people in Wales. We’ve learned a huge amount about advocacy during this assignment and have been really impressed by the work being undertaken by a range of advocacy providers. The case studies from children and young people have sometimes brought a tear to the eye but really tell the story of lives being turned around for the better.
That idea of support for the vulnerable pervades another assignment on which we are working. This time the client is Caerphilly County Borough Council on behalf of the Local Service Board. We’re evaluating a project on how information is shared between agencies such as the Council, Police Force, Health Board and voluntary sector organisations. To understand the importance of this work, you only need to think back to the last news item about the abuse of a young person leading to their death. So often it is concluded that the abuse may have been picked up and the death prevented if the various agencies had shared information appropriately.
Time to go now as there’s lots to do. There’s a presentation to prepare for the ColegauCymru conference sharing the findings of our recent study into international engagement of FE Colleges in Wales. Our friends at Swansea University want us to start another piece of work for them…so it’s all good!